Where have we been for the past several months?
Playing ball of course!
Well, no not exclusively, but life got a bit hectic and I decided that something had to go, and it was blogging. As I think of October rolling around, I thought maybe I should give blogging a go again because it is Down syndrome Awareness Month and perhaps I have some things to share about the joys of being a parent to a wonderful child with Ds.
Olivia's favorite thing to do is play ball. In July, at just over 3 years old, she became an awesome ball catcher. I spend hour upon hour throwing balls to her so she can catch. She also is a great basket shooter! I have to chuckle, because neither my husband nor myself are ball players. But I guess we are going to learn a few things! I have to admit, it is really fun playing ball! And I can be quite the coach!
Life can get a bit overwhelming sometimes, but Olivia is always the bright spot in any day!
I am really out of the blogging mode. So I will stop for now and hopefully blog again soon!