We think that O is PT girl! Physical Therapy, or Party or Pretty Tired! Which ever PT fits the day! O had a GREAT time at the Family Reunion on Sunday! We so appreciated the warm Baumgartner Family Welcome that O received! We are so blessed to be a part of the family and we are so blessed that you welcome O to be one of us! I think about how PROUD Grandma and Grandpa B and Uncle Bill and Aunt Marge would be of all of their descendants and everyone who has joined the family through marriage, friendship, adoption and foster care. Everyone is family in my estimation and everyone is valued and loved! I think that my years away from the reunions has only solidified my appreciation for each and everyone of you! Thanks for being my family and for filling my life with love, laughter and life!
O survived Sunday just fine! She seemed to really be happy and enjoying herself. O was so interested in seeing everyone! It was so neat to see this! Next year she will be even more in the swing of things. Because of the DS we don't know if she will be crawling or walking yet, but we will keep on working on getting her ready to be as active and involved in next year's reunion as possible! I DO think that someone should design a Family Reunion 2010 shirt! O would love to have a special shirt to wear! So would we! Connie and Dennis do such beautiful work! The printing holds up to washings so very well! It is amazing! And the quality of the t shirts is great! Connie is not charging near what her effort would be worth. Such a kind offer on Connie and Dennis' part! OK I hope I have everyone pumped up to get their creative juices flowing to design a shirt!
Yesterday we went to Daddy O's family's house at the same Lake to see his family! O loves to be outdoors and be around people. Only problem is that she is now overtired! Our little baby who doesn't cry and will always sleep and nap in her crib has other ideas today! At the moment she is peacefully sleeping in her chair next to me and getting rested for her bath. She has slept most of the afternoon and hopefully we will have restored her normal rested state. I guess we play we pay! But it was so wonderful to spend two days with family.
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