Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pull up to Standing

Olivia is on a roll these days. This morning she pulled up to standing while holding my hands from a seated position on my legs. It just so happened that Peter had the camera ready to capture this amazing moment. Olivia did this repeatedly all day long and seemed to be having a grand time! I think all the excitement got to her though as our usual easy to bed girl took a good hour to settle down tonight. Hope she sleeps a bit later tomorrow. She has been getting up to feed the roosters breakfast lately.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this moment!!! Looks like she's grown so much. Can't wait for springtime and all of the fun things to do outside. Does she have a baby swing ready to hang in the backyard??? Our kids loved that.


The Hapa Girl said...

She is getting so big! Love the pictures of you two together!